About Us

PageSlice was created as a solution for local companies who require a faster turnaround, longer support, agile updates and current modern web solutions, which can age better over time as a core framework


Current web technologies take an increasingly longer time to develop, and since they change frequently, supporting sites can also cost more time each year , negating the initial benefits of its once off pricing. The PageSlice platform was created to provide a solution to all of these issues. By building an SAAS, (Software as a Solution) we have created an investment and product that we are constantly enhancing and keeping to current modern standards. In doing so, the long term aspects are removed. As a side effect of having built the stable product, we can reduce drastically the cost to entry. So the upfront cost can be very affordable for businesses of any size.

Who we are

We have a long history in both web and app development, understanding the technical journey from conception to launch and subsequent long term support. Our parent company, Just Some Coding Ltd, has been in this sector for almost 10 years with great levels of successful clients having benefited from their attention and best efforts to sustainable solutions.

What Our Customers Are Saying

Please contact us if you would like to provide your feedback, we are always grateful to learn of your experience and improve anything suggested.

Claim Your Slice Of The Internet

Request a callback and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Due to demand, we will be staggering meetings and sign ups; we thank you for your patience and look forward to working with you.